Monday, January 1, 2007

Its a blog

It is true that I have been toying with the blog idea for some time. I even set one up last spring but then never did anything with it. What has pushed me into the game? slowknitter "(c’mon! ALL the cool kids are doing it!)".

Knit From Your Stash. It seems the whole knitting world is abuzz with this idea. Well, it does not work for me. I have spent most of my knitting life buying just what I need for projects. Sure I have a few odds and ends left from those projects, but nothing that would fall into the stash category, until last month. I have 4 sock projects waiting for my attention. I also purchased stash reduction from Cookie A. and have 3 skeins on the way. That means I officially have a stash. I LOVE having a stash. I can not wait to see it all sitting there on the shelf, calling my name, enticing me with its deveil may care attitude. You stash reducing people are crazy.

Buying a digital camera is on my list of things to do tomorrow. Knitting pictures and Noshing recipies to follow.

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