Tuesday, July 3, 2007

take me out to the ballgame

Here are the Plain Ol' all finished and ready for Husband's feet. Actually it is only one. Husband put them on before I could get a picture.

Check Spelling
He proclaims them to be perfect. "Like standing on silk".
Dream In Color Smooshy Sock Yarn, color Cloud Jungle, size 2 Crystal Palace.

Then there is the first sock of Solstice Slip. This is a fun pattern to knit. Goes pretty fast if you do not use the cable needle and I always avoid the cable needle when possible.

I am glad I made the choice to switch to plain ol for the foot for 2 reasons. #1 I do love the way the colors look worked on the plain stitches. #2 Being able to constantly work on it while watching Oldest Sons' baseball game on Sunday kept me from yelling at the umpire working the plate. Now, when the boys were little I would never have done such a thing. I am a warm, fuzzy, everybody wins kind of person. I have spent many years saying, its just a game and we are all out here to have fun....but now the boys are young men, Senior League, and they know crappy umpiring when they see it, and this was an All Stat Tournament, and the the umpiring was VERY, VERY bad. Call a foul ball fair?...just keep knitting. Call a ball that bounced off the plate a strike?...just keep knitting. First you call him out and now you say he is safe?...Knit, knit, knit. Call the final out of the game and then change your mind and bring the teams back out onto the field?...KNIT, KNIT, KNIT. It really was too much for me.

Last picture of the day. My new storage space. Fiber on top. Tools in the middle. It is a joy to open and grab things.

Yes, that is my puny stash. Do not stare with your mouth open, its not polite.

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