Wednesday, January 10, 2007

what does THIS cord attach to?

8 weeks ago you would have found this house in the dark ages. OLD computer, long ago broken printer and scanner, nothing but a sweet CD collection to get us through the days. Then it happened, my computer began to self destruct. Now I need to tell you just how long this computer has held on. It was a laptop with 90Mghz. Yes, you read that right, 90. Built before the inventors of the Pentium chip were even born. This thing has trundled on through thick and thin. Being a trooper and not complaining a bit about being hooked up to a 22bit dial up connection. So after fretting long and hard I ordered a new laptop. This coincided with Clearwire coming to town. They had a killer deal and I said yes. So now I not only have a new computer with all the bells and whistles I did not even know I was missing, but it is blazing fast. I feel spoiled. Giddy with the joy of this machine. OK, now that there is a computer that is actually from this century in the house I have options. Options like a digital camera. OOOO a digital camera? No more feeling guilty about the 6 month old roll of undeveloped film at the bottom of my bag? Done. The girls have saved enough for iPods? Sure, why not? All of the sudden we have a house full of gadgets. What does a person do with all of these cords?

We got some snow today, PERFECT snowball snow. Bring it on.

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