Saturday, September 29, 2007
i'm a groopie
Friday, September 28, 2007
oh my
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
baby knitting
Last night one of Youngest Daughter's dance teachers told her she was pregnant. This is very exciting. Yeah, they get a new baby and all that, but for me it means that come spring I will be knitting wee baby things. Oh how I love knitting we baby things.
When my children were little I did not know how to knit. I did not know how to cook or clean either, but that is another post. So when people around me have babies it is very exciting.
Those of you who have little people running around your house probably do not get this. You enjoy making little sweaters for your children, blankies, socks and what not. Not imagining there will be a day when that cute little foot will grow to a size 12. And I do not mean toddler size 12, I mean big smelly man sized 12. Not only do socks for teenagers take a major time investment, there is always a 50/50 chance that they will throw them into the washer and dryer after the first wear. Knitting for young adults is not something to do lightly. 3/4 of my kids are teenagers, on their way off to college, one right after the other. I have years ahead of me before a teeny tiny little foot comes into the house. I am in that limbo stage. That limbo stage still needs babies to knit for. That is why those of us in it present you with handknit baby gifts above and beyond the call of duty. We can not help ourselves, be gentle with us.
Monday, September 24, 2007
stick a fork in 'em
The only reason I finished them now, instead of putting it off until the week before Hanukkah, is because they were my UFO for the Ravely group Pens and Needles challenge. I can not find the ball band, which is unfortunate because I hate this yarn and hope never to meet it again. The splitiest thing ever made. Bamboo has nothing on this stuff. The plus side is that Oldest Son is going to LOVE them.
Now that those are done I get to cast on this.
It is just 220, but the red is so red. They will become Log Cabin Socks for Husband's Hanukkah present. Gorgeous.
And spinning, do not forget the spinning.
Friday, September 21, 2007
what i did today :-(
I finished spinning the DragonFibers Candy Corn. Really lovely fiber, can't wait to spin more. I spun it, wound it onto the niddy noddy and then put it into the sink for a soak. See anything missing here? Once in the sink I swished it around, pushed out the air bubbles and then walked away to let it rest. Anyone, anyone? I picked up the yarn , squeezed out the water and plopped in onto a towel. As I picked it up it hit me. I did not tie the skein before I took it off the niddy noddy!! AH! How could I be so stupid? Stupid, stupid , stupid! I did the best I could to straighten things out. It is resting. Me too.
To add insult to injury, I am ready to buy these, click to chose my size, no, not in my size. GGRR
Thursday, September 20, 2007
pay it forward
"It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based on the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. You all know I’m already a PIF type of person. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. I will now Pay It Forward to you THREE, I wonder who you will be?!Please, be a PIF!"
I signed up on the Yarn Goddess blog as one of her three people. In return, I have promised to make a gift for the first three people who leave a comment on this blog. Those people, in return, then have to post on their blogs what I have just posted here and make a gift for the first three people who leave a comment on their blogs. It will just keep growing and going around. I thought it sounded terrific, so here it is! Please consider doing this. Your gifts for the people who comment on your blog do not have to be big or elaborate, but they do have to be hand-crafted and made with love. That's it! If you choose to do this, please go over to Whimsical Knitting and take one of the buttons for your blog so people know you're participating.
This is going to be fun.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
avast ye matey's
Wake up at 5:30, write a little, knit a little. Wake up Oldest Daughter at 7. Orthodontist appt from 8 - 9. Come home and relax the day away.
This is my day as it flowing...
Wake up at 7 only because Youngest Daughter's alarm clock is buzzing. Shit. Wake up Oldest Daughter and put water on for tea. Give Oldest Daughter a super strength Motrin and head out to Orthodontist.
Today was braces day for Oldest Daughter. The braces were scheduled to take 1 hour to put on. 2 1/2 hours later she was ready to go home. Poor thing.
I take her home then head to the store for her requested ice cream flavor. While she has lunch, I manage to do a rack of dishes, and spring, sproing, 2! of her brackets pop off. I called Orthodontist to let him know we would be back when they reopened at 1.
Back at the orthodontist they commence trying to replace the hardware. Oldest Daughter's teeth are not a run of the mill braces case. Orthodontist is the finest, most experienced orthodontist in the Seattle Metro area. He has been practicing for 30 years and Oldest Daughter is the worst case he has ever seen! Anyway, they are back on, but will need further adjustment. She was in serious pain so they stopped for the day.
Back home I gave Oldest Daughter a Vicadin - left over from the 6 teeth Oral Surgeon pulled 2 weeks ago - and sent her to bed. Poor thing.
Then it was off to Costco to return/repurchase clothes Husband had picked out in the wrong sizes.
As I left for Costco I let everyone know that when I returned I would be "in for the day". My 4 favorite words in the whole English language. Those words let the rest of the house know that taxi service for the day has ended and any requests will have to be met with their own feet power.
Upon returning home, I began to relax. I put water on for tea then heard a rapping upon the front door. Opened the door to find my next door neighbor. She had blueprints in her hand and began asking if I was planning to attend the Architectural Design Board hearing at 7pm. Shit. Yes, I will be there. Better get dinner made.
The day before we closed on this house I was greeted with a piece of mail that told me the large wooded lot across the street was going condo. We fought hard for 3 1/2 years. We even won a couple of rounds. Tonight, it is done. Yeah, we may have some say over the details, but as fast as the developer can get the permits, construction will begin. Shit.
I need to get that bamboo planted along the side of the house and I may actually have put blinds on the back windows.
It is 10:15 and only now am I "in for the day".
Cross your fingers tomorrow is a bit smoother.
The only bright side is that I finished a sock and began another. No, not Mariner Sock. Mariner sock was worked on yesterday while in the waiting area of the doctor's office and through a dance lesson and before bed. It is taking the day off. Today was Smooshy day. Yeah! Smooshy.
Monday, September 17, 2007
spinning and goodies
What makes it so beautiful? The yarn was spun by me. This is the second yarn I had spun. It is my wrist distaff for spindle spinning. The first thing I spun is sitting on my desk. It makes me so happy to look at the little skein.
Now I am working on the Dragonfibers Candy Corn roving. It is spinning up nicely and I think there will be enogh for a pair of fingerless mitts.
Now for the goodies.These are from Nytefalle Designs, they are sugar skull stitch markers. I am confident that no other knitter in my circle will have them. I love that they are handmade and unique. They do not photograph well at all, at least with my basic type camera, but she has good pics on her site.
Finally, the Dragon Scarf kit from Morehouse.
Tomorrow, sock progress and the gift card purchase from the LYS.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Erin!
All of that mattered not to you. You came along just the same. The first girl. Boy was that a big deal. You were a red head and cranky from the get go. Luckily for us all you calmed down after a few months.
You turned into a cute little red head who wore princess dresses and strapped on a sword. You could slay the dragon yourself, no prince required.
We all knew you were a smart one. Then you proved it by starting college at 16.
Now here we are, 18 years later. You are smart and beautiful and joy to be around. You do not suffer fools lightly or go quietly out into the world. What ever it is you decide to do with your life you will be damn good at.
I am thankful for everyday.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
yippe & bummer
LOVE Smooshy. The pattern was originally printed in Interweave Knits, you can now find it in Favorite Socks. This will be the third time I have knit the pattern. It will not be the last.
Next up. Roza's socks.
On the needles it has a circumference that looks like a toddler size sock.
It is really stretchy. If they are done in time they will be a birthday present for Youngest Daughter. If not, they will go into the back of the drawer and be given to her at a later date.
The yarn is Claudia Handpainted colorway Carousel. It was my very first Loopy Ewe purchase. What did I do before I found the Loopy Ewe? I think it was Tan that led me to them. THANK YOU TAN!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
goals, old & new
My yard looked like a tent farm! If you see a picture of me in the newspaper being led away in cuffs, it will be because Edmonds has a 2 tent per lot ordinance and my neighbors have reported us for stupid things in the past. Fucking neighbors.
Onto happier thoughts...
Let's revisit the summer goal list.
Finish the current design and submit. done
Begin work on a new design. done
Finish the Faux Russian Stole. ha! may never be done
Learn to spin. done and in love
Learn to spin well enough to be able to give hand spun to my fellow fiber fiends as holiday gifts. my spinning is coming along great, but there is not enough of it to give away, maybe next year.
Lose 10 pounds by getting more exercise. done and I would like to keep going
Weed the front flower garden. done
Pots and plants for the deck. double done
Allrighty then, that feels pretty good.
Now for fall goals..
Put some fall color and spring bulbs into the front flower garden.
Finish painting the shelves.
Finish all knitted holiday gifts.
Spinning wheel.
I signed up for a writing/knitting challenge through Pens & Needles. Pens & Needles is a group on Ravelry. Of course I tweaked the challenge to fit. My end of September goal is to finish a chapter on the non-fiction and finish the Mariner socks. My reward is a new knitting bag.
Monday, September 10, 2007
i'll deal with it later
Saturday, September 8, 2007
so sad
Thursday, September 6, 2007
different stripes
No stripes. Only part of the cuff is striped, the rest is random. No control, no scientific method.
Lately I have been going to bed with the rest of the household and getting up around 5:30 when Husband leaves for work. When I get up early and "work", it is accompanied by tea and followed by a productive day. When I stay up late and do the same thing it is usually accompanied by wine and followed by a headache.
So what work have I gotten done this week? Writing, no. Picked out the spinning wheel of my dreams, yes. Mostly I have become very familiar with Ravelry. Its more fun than a slumber party!
Next week will be better, yes, next week I will get real work done, yes, next week.
mmmm smooshy
Yes, the kids expect hand knit socks for Hanukkah. This year two of them are getting socks and two Dragon Scarfs. They will all be happy.
Speaking of Hanukkah socks. I did manage to add a couple more sets of stripes to Oldest Sons Mariner Socks. If I sequester myself in the bedroom this morning I should be able to finish the toe today. Then it is afterthought heel time. Which I assure you has not been an afterthought during all this knitting. It is front and center in my mind.
While not hiding away knitting holiday socks I will cast on this.
The socks will be for Husband. I will add a little stitch pattern, have not worked that out yet. A swatch or two is probably in order. Yes, he gets a new pair of socks, but I get to wrap my fingers in Smooshy!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
mr postman
oops, you are probably not interested in the textbook shipment. What about this.
Dream In Color Smooshy.
Cocoa Kisses
Giant Peach
November Muse
Happy Forest
I took these pictures at 5AM, using a flash, so in real life they are a bit darker. SO yummy. Now I need to finish up the Summer of Love Lace sock so that I can cast on some Smooshy wonderfulness. Shouldn't take too long.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
i should be sleeping
Last night we went to the Aquasox game. I brought the Mariner sock with me, but did not knit a single stitch. It never even made it out of the bag. I may be having some issues with these socks. First, it is very hard to knit a present for someone who is living in your house. Yes, he does get out, and I get out, but still, the whole timing thing is hard. Also, this sock is a plain ol' tube between a cuff and a toe. The stripes were fun at first, but now, I am bored. To top it off I know that at the end of this tube will be an after thought heel. ( I keep typing hell instead of heel, it must be a sign.) This is a new thing for me. The first time I try it may not give me the best results. Swatch you say? Yeah, a little practice is probably a good idea. UG, I hate the thought of practicing, I just want these socks to be done.
I really need to snap out of this. No need for my bored karma to be passed along with the socks.
Tomorrow is a trip to Fort Casey. My first thought was that the ferry traffic heading home will be awful. But I did not say anything. Everyone seems to be looking forward to the day out. Husband will make breakfast while I pack a lunch, it should be great fun.